
Shohifur Ridho'i
is a performance-maker, writer, dramaturg, and curator who present his works through theatre and dance performances, poems, essays, photographs, moving images, and social repertoire projects. His last education was majoring in Philosophy at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta. In addition to his artistic practice, Shohifur has been developing the rokateater since 2016, a platform for the creation of performing arts that aims to be a space for experimentation to encourage the political aesthetic expression of young people. He is also a co-founder of Lembâna Artgroecosystem, an art initiative for studying historical landscapes and social choreography in Madura, East Java. Most of his works are created collaboratively, especially with other young practitioners from various disciplines. He currently lives and works between Yogyakarta and Madura.